JFK Lancer Resource Mail Order
November in
Dallas JFK Lancer will be hosting a conference
in Dallas on November 21-23, 1996. Follow the link
to the conference information page.
I want to know more about the JFK Assassination.I want
to come to Dallas.
Assassination Records Review Board Update:
1. The ARRB will be holding a public meeting in Los Angeles on September 17, 1996 beginning at 10:00am. The location is not yet determined but will be announced very soon.
Please plan to attend. We must show support for the board by attending this public meeting as the press will also be there. Continued press coverage is imperative to getting to persons not actively involved in the research community. Both Dallas and New Orleans press coverage resulted in important materials being given to the board from persons in those cities.
2. Update on the Lopez Report:
The last version released was on December 11, 1995 RIF 180-10110-10484. The board met yesterday and approved the release of a new version. Notification has been sent to the president and the CIA, and will be listed in the National Register. The process will take approximately 8 weeks before the new version will be available. It will have the same RIF number, but will have a new cover form written by the board indicating what has been done differently. The board has no impression that there will be any problems with the CIA.
My thanks Tom Samoluk, press officer for the ARRB for this information.
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